
Téléphone : 06 62 87 16 47

Mél :

88, avenue du Sidobre
81260 Brassac

Le temps d’un pétale


Organic production of aromatic and medicinal plants, transformed into natural well-being products: phytocosmetics (beauty oils, massage oils, balms), floral waters, herbal teas and infusions. Everything is done by hand to produce high-quality products.


Located in Brassac (Tarn), the Le Temps d’un Pétale garden has around twenty aromatic and medicinal plants that are certified organic. They are transformed into natural well-being products: phytocosmetics (beauty oils, massage oils, balms), floral waters, aromatics, vinegars and infusions.

Everything is artisanal, handmade for high quality products and real traceability from the seed to you.

As a committed farmer and trained ecologist, I’m part of a virtuous circle: agro-ecology, slow cosmetics, zero waste and short circuits to take care of you and nature.

To discover my world, all the products and advice, visit the Eboutique:

Facebook: le temps d’un pétale
Instagram: le_temps_dun_petale

Rates (for information only) :

Free access.

Payment :

Check Cash


From 02/01 to 30/12, daily between 6 pm and 7 pm.


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