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17 Rue des Vignals
81100 Burlats

« Rando Montagne Occitanie » avec Alexandre Lokteff


Alexandre Lokteff is a professional hiking guide who will help you discover the heritage that surrounds us and the wonders of nature.


Whatever the terrain, you’re guaranteed to have a great time in a natural environment, with the safety of a state-qualified professional.
* Guided walks and snowshoe treks in the Tarn, Aude, Hérault, Haut Languedoc Regional Nature Park and the Pyrenees, to discover the heritage that surrounds us.
* Nordic Walking Instructor (introductory sessions and 2 to 3 hour circuits)
* Handisport qualified to accompany people with motor or sensory disabilities.
* Holder of the Marque Parc (Parc Naturel Régional values), awarded by the Parc Naturel Régional du Haut Languedoc.
* Organisation of weekends, breaks and star or itinerant tours.
Professional ‘Circuits Nature’ network.

Rates (for information only) :

Group rate available for > 8 people.

Payment :

Check Cash


From 01/01 to 31/12.


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