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La RamadeFerrières
81260 Fontrieu
Sentier des bergers
A giant carrousel game of the Goose to start with, a nice rise among the rocks and a magnificent viewpoint at the latest.
Time 30 min to 1 hours 50 min – Distance 3km

Have a game of the Goose and set off on a discovery of the Peyremourou Rock. It was a “trembling rock” before, overturned at the beginning of the 20th century. It was nevertheless classified in 1921 because it still is unique in the Sidobre.
On the way stop at the old shepherd’s hut.
Possibility to go for a shorter walk (2km in 30 min)
Accomodation facilities :
Picnic area Public WC Car park
Services :
Pets welcome
Rates (for information only) :
All year round.