Step into a world of wonders

It’s a world apart, an experience that won’t leave you unmoved! In the Sidobre it’s granite that we’re talking about.

The Sidobre is a « granite island », a geological exception unique in Europe!

It offers on an incredible 100 km square landscape: gigantic balls of stone and other rocks seem to be shaped by the hand of a giant…

Fallen from the sky or come out of the earth: where do these amazingly shaped rocks come from? What is it that makes the Sidobre such a spectacular destination?

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Granite and men

Did you know?

More than 50% of French granite production comes from the Sidobre.

This is also where Europe’s largest granite quarry is located.

Abroad, Sidobre granite is also called Tarn granite, Tarn gray, or Silver Star.

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Birth of the Sidobre

In french, granit or granite ? Both!

Granite (rock) is the scientific term who refers to the raw material, stone.

Granit (peyro) is a more general term off common language who refers to the material, the rock that is worked.


But how did it all happen?

About 300 million years ago, as a result of the natural erosion of the Hercynian mountains and consequently the lower pressure exerted by it on the earth’s crust, the magma rises from the centre of the earth without reaching the surface. This magma remains trapped under a thick layer of shale. Then by cooling, very slowly, it becomes a dense and grainy rock: granite.

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Land of legends

You have to see it to believe it.  The laws of nature seem to have forgotten these preserved places: the Peyro Clabado defying the laws of gravity, the Roc de l’Oie, le Saut de la Truite …
It’s a landscape sculpted by nature that seems to escape any logic…
Puzzles and curiosities that young and old will try to solve. Unless magic trumps reason.

Unbelievable rocks

Their names are highly suggestive and walking through these granite rocks is really amazing.
The Peyro Clabado, 800 tons of rock balanced on a base of one square meter…

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Le Top 10 des curiosités en granite à ne pas manquer

Roc de l'Oie

Peyro Clabado

Chaos de la Balme


Chaos de la Rouquette

Lac du Merle

Saut de la truite

Forêt de Montagnol

Les Labans


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