Explore villages and History

Nestling in the heart of the Tarn mountains, the towns and villages of the Sidobre and its valleys all tell their own story: the story of the Cathars, the wars of religion, granite quarrying, Occitan culture and the passion of the local people.

Stop off at a terrace, stroll through the streets, visit the sites and museums, go fishing by the river… you can be sure your batteries will be recharged!

Villages perched on hillsides, medieval towns on riversides… all with their own unique atmosphere.

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Immerse yourself in our history and traditions

Explore our region and discover the Occitan culture that has forged the identity of our « Païs » for over a thousand years. Let the stones of our villages speak for themselves.

Occitan will also reveal the unusual origins of place names and family names: Castanet (La Châtaigne -the chestnut-), Lacassagne (Le Chêne -the oak-), las falhadas (Lasfaillades- bonfires)), etc.

Take a bite out of the Occitan Tarn by savouring the « responchons » (wild asparagus) omelette, the Melsat (yellow dried sausage) as well as desserts such as Millas (cake made of corn flour) or Mesturet (winter squash cake).


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