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La Ramade
81260 Fontrieu

Sentier Boucle du Carrierou


Duration 1h30 -Distance 3.5 km
After or before a game of goose-buying, take this fun trail through the valley of the Ferralde stream and discover the small built heritage of Baffignac.


GPS parking : 43.6618, 2.4485
Before the old town hall, take the road up towards Armengaud for about 1 km, then turn left at the sign for « Le Four ». At the first house, follow the path between two hedges to the right.
You pass the Cabane farm before reaching the tarmac. First follow the road to the right downhill for about 200 metres, then take a small, fairly steep path to the left towards the stream. Cross a small bridge before heading back up towards La Grange.
Cross the road and follow a forest track. You cross a small stream before descending to Baffignac, where there is a small Protestant mountain church. On the other side of the road you pass through houses before descending towards the cemetery and the old town hall.

For details of the itinerary, download the attached PDF.

Accomodation facilities :

Public WC Car park Picnic area

Services :

Pets welcome Motorhomes allowed

Rates (for information only) :

Free access.


All year round.


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